16 May
Hold On To Your God-Promise!

Gwen 2013-02-182 WEBB

You have a God-Promise! Yes you—and me! From the beginning of time, God has been very intentional and purposeful in all that He created. He specifically assigned a purpose to every creation—the sun, the moon, air, water, pollen, butterflies, and all things natural. By being created in His image and likeness, it is critical that we understand that He did not skip over us when assigning a promise of purpose. He may have told us directly as He did Jeremiah (Jer. 1:5), gave us a gift or a talent like He did Deborah as a leader (Judges 4:4), or spoke to us in a dream as He did Joseph (Gen. 37:6, 9).  Regardless of how unclear the specific details of His plan, it’s very important that we do not let the noise and enticements of this world drown out, or cause us to opt out, of experiencing our God-promise. What is your God-promise?

Call it instinct, intuition, a dream, or consciousness, you should not ignore that “deep-gut-knowing” of purpose God has created in you.

Often times we can get frustrated while “searching” for our purpose, and engage in activities that will position us financially or influentially. Although this is fine, we should also hold on to our God-promise whether it takes a few years or a few decades to come to pass. Here are a few brief reasons why I believe our purpose may elude us.

(1) We may be trying to label our purpose in terms of the world’s definitions and recognized titles. Our purpose may not have an earthly name, yet, but there’s a work we can do even if we don’t know what to call it. Here’s a clue: what are you good at doing, naturally?

(2) We don’t know anyone else who is doing what we have in our hearts to do. You may be a trailblazer who paves the way or you may not know anyone else because you’re not in the “circle” or “network” with the others who are actually doing what you were purposed to do. Remember, Elijah thought that he was a lone prophet in the land of Israel after Jezebel’s tyrannical reign. He didn’t realize that Obadiah had hidden 100 prophets in a cave and fed them for three years. (I Kings 18)

(3) You may be waiting on someone to validate your purpose. Don't do that. You will receive confirmation from some or a few of God's people, but don't wait for the masses or specific people to validate what God has already put in you.

(4) Old fashioned fear. You will need to exercise your faith and courage!

In Jeremiah 1:5, God said “Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Amplified) This means that even before our mothers knew we were on the way, God had already given us an assignment from heaven for our time in the earth. With our assignment He gave us the gifts, talents, personality, and favor needed for our journey through our lifetime. He promised that He would pave the way for us to be successful in Proverbs 18:16. Then finally, He guaranteed our assignment by justifying us and putting upon us His glory as explained in Romans 8:30. God’s purpose is not ambiguous. So, as we revisit what God has already placed in us, let us walk by faith and trust God to prepare us to be His promise of what eyes have not seen or ears have not heard.

Challenge: In your moments of prayer and quiet meditation, listen carefully for the God-promise that has been placed in you. Calm your mind and thoughts and know that He has given an assignment to all He has made—especially you. Then, by faith, walk in it!